Over the past three decades, BMA has become an industry leader in risk and fraud management. Our focus is on helping leaders minimize losses, even as the threats of fraud continue to escalate around the country. We know that safety and reliability are of the utmost importance to you and your customers. Your personal BMA account executive is always monitoring national trends, staying ahead of any potential fraud, and identifying risk before it impacts your bottom line.

The Advantages of Our Risk & Fraud Prevention Solutions
Customizable fraud prevention solutions allow us to work together to create the most secure network possible.
While your bank’s team focuses on more complex issues, BMA handles financial security risk management and fraud detection for you.
Save Money
Avoid spending money on expensive fraud management equipment with BMA’s secure cloud-based data center.
Our experienced team of security specialists is always available to answer your questions and solve your problems.
Features of Our Risk & Fraud Management Systems
Geographic Redundancy
Your data is extremely important, and that’s why we take significant steps to protect it. We keep and maintain data backups in an offsite location to keep your data secure in case of data center failure.
Hardware Redundancy
For your business to run smoothly, you expect a secure safe environment for your data. BMA’s redundant hardware maximizes security and maintains constant uptime connectivity to the cloud while providing an active failover in cases of emergencies.
Network Redundancy
If your primary network connection goes down for any reason, you need to know that your data is safe. BMA’s network redundancy optimizes risk management with connections that are enabled for automatic failover. This BMA solution is available for both external and internal connections.
Power Redundancy
Power outages are common, and often cannot be avoided. BMA technology is prepared for power failure with always-on power supplies and backup diesel generators.
With BMA’s advanced core processing software, fraud and risk management is done at several different layers to provide the most secure platform available. Our customers enjoy a high level of confidence that their data is safe, and that our reliable backup system will always allow them to maintain optimal uptime.
Remote Access
Through BMA, you can have system access through a remote VPN connection. This can allow those that have this access to obtain system information remotely.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does BMA manage fraud risk?
We use various strategies and initiatives to prevent and detect fraud, including performing employee background checks, implementing fraud detection systems, and training employees to identify and report fraud.
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