Most consumers are used to experiencing two different types of teller systems: teller integrated branch capture, and integrated teller capture. Both are efficient when it comes to processing checks and loans, and both could be beneficial for your bank. BMA offers both teller options to increase effectiveness and bank productivity. Read on to see which one is the best fit for your business.

Teller System Banking Solutions
BankRite Teller Integrated Branch Capture
Teller integrated branch capture is a teller system that most customers and financial institutions are already familiar with. With this system, a customer gives their check to a teller, who processes it. Depending on the situation, the check might be processed in just a few minutes—but it could also take several hours. This system generally relies on a personal computer and scanner, which are connected to the central bank server.
This teller system is generally less costly for financial institutions in the short term. Because this system is straightforward, you won’t need to spend much time on training or capital expenditure. Teller integrated branch capture requires backroom proofing, which can be managed with BMA solutions or at your institution.
The branch capture system also reduces the potential of customer lines at the teller stations as the checks are scanned quickly and proofing is performed at later times.
BMA’s branch capture system is a real-time posting. As soon as your client deposits their check, they can see their deposit immediately. There is generally cost when setting up a branch capture system at the bank.
BankRite Integrated Teller Capture
As in many industries, work is greatly streamlined with the introduction of an automated technology. Integrated teller capture is no different. It allows tellers to complete all the above actions—check processing, loan payments, cash tickets, etc.—in much less time.
With integrated teller capture, there is also less room for human error. Tellers use their own scanners to capture check images immediately; some documents even become instantly available due to this process. Receipts can be printed, emailed, or texted to the customer. Integrated teller capture makes a quicker, more efficient experience for both the customer and the teller.
Compared to teller integrated branch capture, teller capture requires more upfront costs. Each teller needs their own scanners, and training may require more time. However, BMA’s technology is intuitive and easy to learn, only requiring an average of two hours of training.
No matter your financial institution, BMA can accommodate your specific needs with BankRite Branch Capture or BankRite Teller Capture. Both systems help businesses cut costs and streamline processes, making check processing faster and more efficient.
With our platform, the teller functions are seamless, you have everything you need. BMA’s BankRite Touch Teller, quickly and completely display and print check images, look up insufficient funds, instantly access all customer information files, and have up to seven years of storage within the core. Teller transaction receipt via text, if requested.